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SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition
Games > PC
1.47 GB

SimCity 4

Mar 6, 2013


SimCity 4 ISO


I guess this is the best we can hope from EA
they fucked up the new simcity
get this no subway cities too small only one highway connection to other cites in the map
And i think no offline mode so we have to wait for a server and diablo III doesnet have a working one after one year
I really hope i am wrong
Seed Please!
I hope some clever guys can figure out the new Simcity (2013) cracking.
This is fake you fucking morons!

Are u an idiot? u'r probably looking for simcity 5.. It doesn't mean that it's SimCity 4 Deluxe edition is written there its the latest one..
isnt this an "always on" game in the vain of diablo 3?
Was gonna buy the new one until EA managed to fuck it up.EA the cancer of gaming.

Actually, it's quite different. It's heavily rumoured that the AI (GlassBox) is completely hosted on EAs servers, Meaning every calculation that happens in your city is controlled by EA. Whilst I'm not sure if this was confirmed on release or not but if it happens to be true it will make cracking it alot harder than anticipated.
@ pelius40. You are completely wrong here. They are requiring a full time internet connection in order to play the game. Most of the content is contained and controlled online. You can't even save your cities to your computer. They are saved at random points and in no way controlled by the user. There will not be a crack for this game unless EA/Origin makes changes to allow offline play.
The biggest problem is that your save games are stored online for some insane reason. So even if a crack removes the connection requirement (which is the case with Starcraft II for example), there is no mechanism in place that allows you to save your game.

SimCity : in 1 hour, 9 minutes
Guys quit being fucking dick heads im getting tired of ea too but you dont have to make a big fucking deal
"It's not about the MONEY, it's about the MESSAGE!"

I myself am NOT buying Simcity 5 no matter if they crack it or not. As much as I want it, I hate EA too much to give them my hard earned $70 for a game they did nothing but destroy. They do it to every fucking thing they touch, and I refuse to support anything with EAs name on it. If it gets cracked, fucking amazing, if not, I'll live without it, at least until it drops to a measly $10 or less.
@Giedriusd0: Where is it? Its been more than 12 hours now.
Any news about simcity 5?
3DM confirmed that SimCity 5 could not be cracked any time soon because of the always-online DRM and the network system the game uses.
I dont buy this kind of shit for one reason only: ppl that dont have money to buy this should be able to play. Like someone said (Triple XXX?) "Its the only culture we have." 60€? FU.
fuck everyone that doesnt want SIMCITY 5 the game thats out it will take a whole year for the
for the torrent to come
stuck at 98.1 please seed and i will seed after.
Hackers will find a way to crack the new simcity just like H.A.W.X 2
most of the ppl that bought the game cant even play it...
there was a similar problem when assassin's creed 2 came out, due to the online requirement with that game. everyone talked about how difficult it would be to crack it. but eventually, a good crack was developed by the community. i believe the same thing will happen with simcity 5. be patient friends, and we'll see it come soon.
I'm stuck at 98% the avaibility says 98% how do I fix it?
Everyone whos downloading this torrent is fucking retarded why download this 2 seeder torrent when u can download a 800 seeder one on the same site
Its a retarded world...

I was wondering the same thing...
.. But then I realized it's more fun to see 300+ leechers leech 2 seeders.
This isn't the new one, just so you know.
i cant open the mdf. files...... what program do i need?